University of the Southwest is a Christ-centered educational community dedicated to developing men and women for a lifetime of servant leadership by emphasizing individual faith, responsibility, and initiative.
Teaching at University of the Southwest adheres to belief in God, in the Bible as the inspired Word of God, in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and in the separation of church and state.
University of the Southwest strives for excellence in academic curriculum, campus life programming, and student activities in a supportive educational community where freedom of thought and expression is honored and the demonstration of faith in acts of service is encouraged.
At University of the Southwest, students are instructed and mentored by a faculty and staff who demonstrate Christ-centered values and maintain an environment where students can live and work cooperatively, valuing the multiple cultures from which they come.
As a community of initiative, University of the Southwest challenges graduates to become enterprising members of our society contributing to the common good by advocating and participating in the productive commerce of free enterprise, the constitutional privilege of self-government, and the practical contributions of community service.

At University of the Southwest, we believe that education is more than earning a degree – it’s also about developing the knowledge and skills to create positive change within yourself and others. At USW, we’re dedicated to developing men and women to be leaders who motivate, who create positive change, who make an impact on the world. We’re preparing them for a lifetime of servant leadership.
What is servant leadership?
Servant leadership is a philosophy coined by management expert Robert Greenleaf in 1970 that supports the idea that the best leaders must also serve. He wrote:
"The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions…”
How is servant leadership practiced at University of the Southwest?
The servant leadership philosophy permeates our entire university - in the classroom, on the playing field, and in our communities.
Some ways our students and athletes have extended our servant leadership philosophy to the community:
Youth mentoring
Campus and roadside cleanup
Food and clothing drives
How will you make your impact on the world? Start here at University of the Southwest.